Dr. Pressman’s seminars…
…provide natural, simple-to-follow techniques to show attendees how to find their core fear and chief defense – the two things at the core of anxiety. Participants learn to deconstruct their anxiety to the root of the root. This means they can get real help, quickly.
Anxiety disrupts relationships, steals time and memories, and causes countless missed opportunities. No one wants to die with their potential locked up inside of them.
It’s time for you to move from stuck to thriving.
It’s time to experience freedom, new possibilities, healthy relationships, and true balance in your life.
Curious about next steps?
We recommend you begin by attending a free webinar. We have two per quarter. Following the free webinar, most participants either attend a recurring weekly group coaching program led by me every week for 90-minutes on Zoom (it’s a small group environment) or they attend the 25.5 hour Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive.
I hope to see you at a seminar soon.

Deconstructing Anxiety Free Webinar
Join Dr. Pressman for this exciting, free seminar on the Deconstructing Anxiety Method.
CE credits: 1.5

Mastery Program
The Mastery Program takes the practices of the “Deconstructing Anxiety” method to a highly advanced level. We will work intensively on mastering each of the techniques, both in applying them for ourselves and our clients.
Participants will practice with each other and with the facilitator, who will provide close supervision each step of the way.
Duration: 30+ hrs
CE credits: 30

Online Group Coaching $75
Join the online group coaching community! We meet every Thursday from 3:00 – 4:30pm eastern
Duration: 90 minutes.

Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive $699
A groundbreaking, cutting-edge seminar for rapidly uncovering the root causes of anxiety in even your most difficult clients. You will learn never-before-presented techniques for releasing the resistances that keep anxiety alive, getting at their source and transforming them into a sense of high purpose and meaning, yielding powerful change and lasting results.
Duration: 30+ hrs
CE credits: 30
Here’s just a small sampling of what previous participants have said:
Incredible presentation!…Thank you!
Outstanding and ingenious. This is worth the world’s attention
So much amazing information!
Thank you so much for all the valuable information you presented so passionately….Again, such a valuable presentation.
Phenomenal…by far the best seminar I attended at the conference.
I LOVED the session.