Deconstructing Anxiety Free Webinar Sep 20
Taught By Dr. Todd Pressman
Worth 3 CE Credits
Q&A At The End
Live On Zoom
Duration: 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Wednesday, June 15 from 12-3pm eastern
June 15, 2022
Simply click one of the two options below to register. Join instructions for the seminar will be emailed to you.
Destiny by Design
Designing a Destiny of Power and Passion
Having a compelling sense of purpose is being recognized as an essential ingredient for a fulfilling life. But the stress of everyday demands can squash our enthusiasm for this high ideal. Too often we feel at the mercy of circumstance, with no choice but to resign ourselves to the pressure of our responsibilities.
But this does not need to be the case! At any moment, we can choose a new course, driving our destiny…on purpose. It is for us to decide to live our lives with power and passion, rather than resignation and despair. What is needed is a clear prescription, a “how to” approach, for transforming the drudgery of life into opportunities for fulfillment.
It is then that we see the challenges before us as the very stepping stones for realizing our greatest commitments, and expressing our most dearly held dreams, for how to live a life of deep and fulfilling purpose.
In this new seminar, we will develop mastery in choosing the thoughts and actions in alignment with our high purpose, and begin living it NOW. You will learn a 5-step process for:
1) Finding the “core fear” and “chief defense”, the hidden forces within that seduce us into postponing purpose to take care of problems first.
2) Mastering the practice of “doing the opposite”, recovering your ability to choose the path of purpose instead.
3) Discovering the “Rule for making purpose-driven decisions”: Being 100% willing to choose all options.
4) Designing your destiny with the Vision Questing Process.
5) Creating the Field of Enlightenment, where you will establish a new possibility for living that actualizes your purpose, together with others who are doing the same.
This new offering by Dr. Pressman promises to be an exciting “next step” in the Deconstructing Anxiety series. We hope you’ll join us to start living your purpose now.
Who this seminar is for:
This seminar is appropriate for any kind of relationship, including parent-child relationships, peer relationships, work relationships, romantic relationships, dating relationships, our relationships with a group of people, relationships between friends, and even our relationship with ourselves or with a “higher” source.
Ideal for
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Therapists
- Counselors
- Lay People
CE Credits Information
Worth 3 CE Credits!
There is a separate fee and separate registration form to apply for the CE Credits. The CE Credits are only for those who apply for them.
Please do not contact the CE company with questions about the seminar. All seminar-related questions should be sent to admin@toddpressman.com.
Answers to your questions related specifically to CE credits through R. Cassidy can be found by clicking here.
Click this link to register for CE credits. Be sure you select the correct seminar name and date.

He graduated with degrees in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and Saybrook Institute. His books Deconstructing Anxiety: The Journey from Fear to Fulfillment, Radical Joy: Awakening Your Potential For True Fulfillment and The Bicycle Repair Shop: A True Story Of Recovery From Multiple Personality Disorder have all received high acclaim. In 1982, he traveled the world to study the great wisdom and healing traditions, including with a Zen master, a Jain family, a Zoroastrian high priest and a Sri Lankan firewalker. His education also includes an internship under Stanislav Grof, M.D. at the Esalen Institute.
With a background deeply rooted in tradition (he was groomed by a father whose teachers were taught by Sigmund Freud), he has integrated this wide-ranging experience into a new program of psychological development called “Deconstructing Anxiety”. His working model is based on Michelangelo’s ideal: to release the statue from the stone, the authentic Self from the overlays of imposed identity, into the discovery of freedom, joy, and fulfillment.