Deconstructing Anxiety Free Webinar
Taught By Dr. Todd Pressman
Q & A at the conclusion
Worth 1.5 CE Credits (scroll down for CE information)
Thursday, March 2, 2023 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm eastern
Friday, June 2, 2023 from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm eastern
Sunday, July 9, 2023 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm eastern
Live On Zoom
Duration: 90 minutes
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Scroll to the bottom of this page for CE information and registration links. NOTE: If you purchased CE’s through R. Cassidy, you must also register for the seminar here on this page. Find the date for the seminar you are attending and click the registration button to complete the registration process.
You are registering on THIS page for the free webinar and you are registering on R. Cassidy’s page for CE’s. It’s a 2-step registration process.
R. Cassidy CE Credits Information
Worth 1.5 CE Credits!
We are excited to announce that this free webinar by Dr. Pressman is worth 1.5 CE credits for qualifying health professionals. You must register for CE Credits on the R. Cassidy website prior to attending this webinar. You are required to attend the webinar in its entirety in order to receive CE Credits. Attendance is tracked during the webinar.
Please click the link below to register with R. Cassidy and ensure you select the correct date! We have several dates and seminar options to choose from. The $10 fee is through R. Cassidy for the CE Credits. The webinar itself is free.
R. Cassidy CE Credit Registration Click Here
Please remember that this is a 2-part registration process:
1. Click a blue button below to complete the registration process here on Dr. Pressman’s page for the Deconstructing Anxiety webinar with Dr. Pressman
2. Click the registration link in this section (titled “R. Cassidy CE Purchase Click Here”) to apply for/purchase CE credits through R. Cassidy, our CE provider
Friday, June 2 at 12pm eastern
Sunday, July 9 at 7pm eastern
Deconstructing Anxiety Free Webinar
Three New & Natural Ways to Get Rid of Your Anxiety — for Good!
Dr. Todd Pressman presents a groundbreaking approach for identifying and resolving your anxiety’s root causes in a free, live Zoom meeting:
Do you have trouble resting and relaxing as much as you want or need to?
Do you struggle each day to stay calm and productive?
Do you lose sleep even when you’re tired because troubling, scary thoughts won’t stop racing through your mind?
You’re not alone.
Anxiety is the #1 psychiatric disorder in the U.S. today.
But you can break free from anxiety’s grip.
You can start enjoying a more focused, peaceful, fulfilling life.
Let me introduce you to three new, elegant, powerful, and all-natural techniques for getting to and breaking through the root causes of your anxiety.
Join me for my free, live Zoom meeting on [date and time], “Deconstructing Anxiety.
(scroll down for information on CE credits)
These three techniques are grounded in some of the world’s most ancient and revered wisdom traditions, including Zoroastrianism and Zen Buddhism.
So they’ve been reliably helping humans overcome anxiety for thousands of years.
And they’re completely compatible with the best practices and clinically verifiable results of modern medicine and psychiatry.
They can take your chances of successfully resolving your anxiety from 46% (which is the average success rate for current therapies) to a much higher level—and significantly faster than you might expect.
I see it consistently happen in my practice.
I’m confident it can happen for you, too.
Here’s a preview of some of the things you’ll find out in this special Zoom meeting:
The 5 kinds of fear everyone faces—and how to face them more boldly.
How to recognize the lie fear tells you 9 times out of 10, and proven ways to break fear’s hypnotic hold on your mind.
Are you sure you’re facing the right fear? Getting this right is the “golden key” to a calmer and happier life.
5 ways to identify the defenses keeping you from living a less stressful, more fulfilled life.
The critical ingredient most popular ways of handling stress and anxiety (like cognitive behavioral therapy) miss that make them less-than-ideal solutions.
3 basic but valuable questions to help you identify and transform your “fear equation” (your deep-seated patterns for dealing with fear and stress).
The surprising insight Buddhism and quantum physics share that can help us overcome fear and anxiety.
Why our natural defense mechanisms backfire and make us more afraid instead of less—and practical things to do about it.
How watching your fear like a movie in your mind can make it dissolve or float away (actual people who’ve used this technique describe its results that way).
The ancient wisdom of “doing the opposite” (to live a life in which your fear is farther away, draw closer to it—I’ll explain during the webinar).
I’ll share a stress- and fear-reducing technique so simple (but so profound in its effect) you can even do it while you’re unloading your dishwasher.
With these techniques, you’ll be able to start doing more than treat your anxious symptoms. You can start actually eliminating the anxiety itself.
Join me for the webinar so I can introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities for living more fully, freed from the traps of fear, stress, and anxiety.
This webinar is taught live by Dr. Pressman via Zoom. You do not need any special technology to join. Simply click the Zoom link you will receive via email when it’s time for the webinar to begin.
Who this seminar is for:
Anyone interested in freedom from fear and greater fulfillment in life.
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Therapists
- Counselors
- Lay People
About the Webinar
The Deconstructing Anxiety Webinar is a free webinar taught live, online by Dr. Pressman and is an introduction to Dr. Pressman’s Deconstructing Anxiety Method. The webinar is 90 minutes in length (no breaks) and concludes with a Q&A with Dr. Pressman. All times listed are eastern time.
Learn about powerful new techniques, including “The Alchemist”, “The Witness” and “The Warrior’s Stance”, for deconstructing the core fear and chief defense at the source of all suffering.
Discover the 5 core fears—universal themes of loss—including abandonment, loss of identity, meaning, purpose and death, and learn the technique of “doing the opposite” that reveals a path to profound freedom, high purpose, and enduring fulfillment.
Participants receive Zoom log in credentials immediately upon registering. Additionally, the Zoom credentials are sent multiple times via email before the webinar (including 2 emails the day of the webinar). Please check your spam or junk folder if you have not received the webinar link. Note: the webinar is free. CE credits are purchased through the CE company.
Come ready to learn about Dr. Pressman’s method for Deconstructing Anxiety. Here is what some of our previous seminar participants had to say ….
“Outstanding webinar, outstanding presenter.”
“This approach is a beautiful combination of Western knowledge and Eastern wisdom…succinctly put and accessible.”
“One of the most useful programs I have attended”

Dr. Pressman is a clinical psychologist and international seminar leader. He is widely known for his work with Deconstructing Anxiety, Transpersonal Breathwork and A Course in Miracles.
He graduated with degrees in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and Saybrook Institute. His books Deconstructing Anxiety: The Journey from Fear to Fulfillment, Radical Joy: Awakening Your Potential For True Fulfillment and The Bicycle Repair Shop: A True Story Of Recovery From Multiple Personality Disorder have all received high acclaim. In 1982, he traveled the world to study the great wisdom and healing traditions, including with a Zen master, a Jain family, a Zoroastrian high priest and a Sri Lankan firewalker. His education also includes an internship under Stanislav Grof, M.D. at the Esalen Institute.
With a background deeply rooted in tradition (he was groomed by a father whose teachers were taught by Sigmund Freud), he has integrated this wide-ranging experience into a new program of psychological development called “Deconstructing Anxiety”. His working model is based on Michelangelo’s ideal: to release the statue from the stone, the authentic Self from the overlays of imposed identity, into the discovery of freedom, joy, and fulfillment.