The Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive
Taught By Dr. Todd Pressman
Worth 30 CE Credits (scroll down for CE information)
Q&A At The End
Live On Zoom
Duration: 24 Hours 30 Minutes
Thursday, March 23 - Sunday, March 26, 2023
Thursday, July 20 – Sunday, July 23, 2023
3/23 – 3/26 2023
7/20 – 7/23 2023
Optional payment plan: 3 monthly payments of $249 each
Partial scholarships are also available for those with demonstrated need.
Please email admin@toddpressman.com for more information
Watch this message from Dr. Pressman For a Brief Introduction to Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive . . .
“Outstanding…ingenious! This is worth the world’s attention.”
“One of the most exciting things I’ve come across in a long time.”
“A revolutionary way of viewing and working with anxiety.”
Cost: $699 (or 3 payments of $249)
With the revolutionary understanding that anxiety (fear) is at the root of all suffering, you will gain insight into the five core fears–“universal themes of loss”–we all share, including:
abandonment (loss of love),
loss of identity,
loss of meaning,
loss of purpose (the chance to express oneself) and
fear of death (including fear of sickness and pain).
We develop our primary defenses, usually early in childhood or at times of trauma, as our best attempt to protect ourselves from these fears, but always at too great a cost. This leaves us constantly holding vigil, on the lookout for the resurfacing of the fear. We build our entire personality upon this fear-defense dynamic. When it spins out of control, an anxiety disorder develops.
The theory and techniques offered in this workshop, such as “The Alchemist”, “The Witness” and “The Warrior’s Stance”, will teach you how to uncover the core fear and chief defense quickly and reliably. These will be understood as the architects of personality and the creators of our perceptual world. Armed with this knowledge, new strategies for “doing the opposite” of the chief defense and its secondary defenses have proven extremely successful in even the most anxious clients. Incorporating psychodynamics, mindfulness, Gestalt, CBT and transpersonal psychology, participants will undergo the actual techniques being presented, making for a rich and highly experiential presentation.
At the deepest level, we will pinpoint the precise moment where resistance is created and how to release it. This leads to the ultimate goal of letting go “the resistance to resistance”, a key to transforming our entire view of Self and redefining the limits of the human experience. The way is then paved for the final section on “Vision Questing”, wherein the five core fears are fully resolved, and one may live their lives with a solid sense of identity, meaning, purpose, love and even a true freedom from the fear of death.
Come prepared for an exciting adventure into the deepest regions of the unconscious, where the hidden fears at the source of our difficulties live, to bring them out into consciousness, available for rapid and lasting transformation.
3/23 – 3/26 2023
7/20 – 7/23 2023
Payment plans and scholarships are available. Use the Contact Us link to learn more. NOTE: CE purchase is a separate purchase through R. Cassidy. Register first through us by selecting the date you plan to attend and completing your purchase. Then, return to this page to purchase CE’s through R. Cassidy using the link provided.
All times given are Eastern Time
Two 2023 dates to choose from:
- Thursday, March 23 – Sunday, March 26, 2023
- Thursday, July 20 – Sunday, July 23, 2023
⇒ 7:30-9:30 p.m.–Introductions and Setting Intentions
⇒ 11:00-11:45 a.m.–Theoretical foundations of the “Deconstructing Anxiety” model
⇒ 11:45-12:15 a.m.–Exercise–“Digging for Gold”: Finding Your Core Fear
⇒ 12:15-12:25 p.m.–Break
⇒ 12:25-12:45 p.m.–Exercise–“Who are you Really?”: Finding Your Chief Defense
⇒ 12:45-1:45 p.m.–Q and A and practice of exercises
⇒ 1:45 p.m.-2:30p.m.–Lunch
⇒ 2:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m..–Review of Core Fear and Chief Defense
⇒ 3:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m.–How to Heal Anxiety: “Doing the opposite” of the Chief Defense
⇒ 3:45 pm.-4:45 p.m.–Exercise–“The Alchemist”: Asking “What Happens Next?”
⇒ 4:45 p.m.-4:55 p.m.–Break
⇒ 4:55 p.m.-6:20 p.m.–Q and A and Further Practice of All Exercises
⇒ 6:20 p.m.-6:30 p.m.–Homework
⇒ 11:00-11:15 am.–Review of Homework
⇒ 11:15-12:15 a.m.–Exercise—“The Witness”: Enhanced Mindfulness Practice
⇒ 12:15-12:30 p.m.–Building a new association to one’s core fear
⇒ 12:30-12:40p.m.–Bk
⇒ 12:40 p.m.–1:30 p.m.–Q and A and Further Practice of “The Witness”
⇒ 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.–Lunch
⇒ 2:00-2:30 p.m.–Integrating the results into everyday life
⇒ 2:30-3:30 p.m.–Exercise—“The Warrior’s Stance”
⇒ 3:30-3:45 p.m.–Break
⇒ 3:45-4:45 p.m.–Integrating “The Alchemist”, “The Witness” and “The Warrior’s Stance”
⇒ 4:45-6:155 p.m.–Q and A and Further Practice of All Exercises
⇒ 6:15 p.m.-6:30 p.m.–Homework
⇒ 11:00-11:30 a.m.–Review of Homework
⇒ 11:30-12:30 p.m.–Exercise—“Resolving the Resistance to Resistance”
⇒ 12:30 p.m.-12:40 p.m..–Break
⇒ 12:40 p.m.-1:30 p.m–Integrating all of the exercises
⇒ 1:30 p.m.-2:15 p.m.–Lunch
⇒ 2:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m.–Integrating the results into everyday life
⇒ 2:45 p.m.-3:45 p.m.–Exercise—“Vision Questing”: Finding one’s “Mighty Purpose”
⇒ 3:45 p.m.-3:55 p.m.–Break
⇒ 3:55 p.m.-4:45 p.m.–Integrating all of the exercises with the Vision Quest
⇒ 4:45-5:30 p.m.–Q and A
⇒ 5:30-6:15 p.m.–Keeping the practice fresh
⇒ 6:15 p.m.-6:30 p.m.–Suggestions for continuing the practice after the seminar
A groundbreaking, cutting-edge seminar for rapidly uncovering the root causes of anxiety in even the most difficult circumstances. You will learn never-before-presented techniques for releasing the resistances that keep anxiety alive, getting at their source and transforming them into a sense of high purpose and meaning, yielding powerful change and lasting results.
Who this seminar is for:
- Anyone Interested in Deep Personal Healing
- Growth and Fulfillment
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Therapists
- Counselors
R. Cassidy CE Credits Information
The processing fee for CE credits is $40. The CE Credits are only for those who apply for them. For information on CE credits, click HERE.
IMPORTANT NOTE: CE credits for this seminar are paid for and processed separately from registration for the seminar itself. The fee for the seminar is $699 and must be paid separately from the fee for CE credits ($40) if you are applying for them.
There is a separate fee and separate registration form to apply for the CE Credits. The CE Credits are only for those who apply for them.
Please do not contact the CE company with questions about the seminar. All seminar-related questions should be sent to admin@toddpressman.com.
Answers to your questions related specifically to CE credits through R. Cassidy can be found by clicking here.
Be sure you select the correct date.
CE Registration Click Here
Please note: CE’s are provided through a 3rd party CE provider. It is your responsibility to keep track of the instructions for obtaining your CE certificate. Please do not contact Dr. Todd Pressman/Pressman Seminars on how to obtain your CE’s as we are not CE providers and unable to answer questions related to CE’s.
Anxiety is the source of all suffering
Every problem deconstructs down to a core fear
The core fear is maintained and aggravated by the chief defense
Healing anxiety is a matter of “doing the opposite” of the chief defense
There is a core defense underneath all chief defenses—the strategy of control
The final defense to work through is the “resistance to resistance”
When all five core fears are resolved, the “Vision Quest” opens a path to fulfillment
At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to:
Describe the core fear/chief defense model of how we build our personalities
Explain why anxiety is at the source of all suffering
Understand the principle of “Doing the opposite” of the chief defense
Master and effectively use the techniques of “The Alchemist”, “The Witness” and “The Warrior’s Stance”
Uncover and resolve the “resistance to resistance” at the root of all defenses
Undergo a “Vision Quest” for moving through anxiety with a “mighty purpose”
It is Dr. Pressman’s hope that everyone wanting to take the Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive is able to do so. Therefore, payment plans are welcome – 3 monthly payments of $249 each. Partial scholarships are also available for those with demonstrated need. Fill out the form below to inquire about a partial scholarship or email admin@toddpressman.com for more information.
The Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive gives 30 CE credits for qualified mental health professionals. Please see the CE Credits section below.
The Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive is appropriate for social workers, MFT’s, counselors, mental health professionals, psychologists, and more. The Intensive is appropriate for all levels – from beginner to advanced.
The Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive is also appropriate for anyone interested in resolving anxiety, depression, and/or stress and seeking greater and deeper fulfillment in life.
Please note: the Deconstructing Anxiety Intensive is a prerequisite for the Certification Program.

Dr. Pressman is a clinical psychologist and international seminar leader. He is widely known for his work with Deconstructing Anxiety, Transpersonal Breathwork and A Course in Miracles.
He graduated with degrees in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and Saybrook Institute. His books Deconstructing Anxiety: The Journey from Fear to Fulfillment, Radical Joy: Awakening Your Potential For True Fulfillment and The Bicycle Repair Shop: A True Story Of Recovery From Multiple Personality Disorder have all received high acclaim. In 1982, he traveled the world to study the great wisdom and healing traditions, including with a Zen master, a Jain family, a Zoroastrian high priest and a Sri Lankan firewalker. His education also includes an internship under Stanislav Grof, M.D. at the Esalen Institute.
With a background deeply rooted in tradition (he was groomed by a father whose teachers were taught by Sigmund Freud), he has integrated this wide-ranging experience into a new program of psychological development called “Deconstructing Anxiety“. His working model is based on Michelangelo’s ideal: to release the statue from the stone, the authentic Self from the overlays of imposed identity, into the discovery of freedom, joy, and fulfillment.